11/2024 Phase Coexistence in Nonreciprocal Quorum-Sensing Active Matter Yu Duan et al.
Motility and nonreciprocity are two primary mechanisms for self-organization in active matter. In a recent study [Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 148301 (2023)], we explored their joint influence in a minimal model of two-species quorum-sensing active particles interacting via mutual motility regulation. Our results notably revealed a highly dynamic phase of chaotic chasing bands that is absent when either …
09/2024 Isovolumetric dividing active matter Samantha R. Lish et al.
We introduce and theoretically investigate a minimal particle-based model for a new class of active matter where particles exhibit directional, volume-conserving division in confinement while interacting sterically, mimicking cells in early embryogenesis. We find that complex motion, synchronized within division cycles, displays strong collective effects and becomes self-similar in the long-time l …
09/2024 Condensate Size Control by Net Charge Chengjie Luo et al.
Biomolecular condensates are complex droplets comprising diverse molecules that interact using various mechanisms. Condensation is often driven by short-ranged attraction, but net charges can also mediate long-ranged repulsion. Using molecular dynamics simulations and an equilibrium field theory, we show that such opposing interactions can suppress coarsening so that many droplets of equal size co …
09/2024 Fluctuation Dissipation Relations for Active Field Theories Martin Kjøllesdal Johnsrud et al.
Breakdown of time-reversal symmetry is a defining property of non-equilibrium systems, such as active matter, which is composed of units that consume energy. We employ a formalism that allows us to derive a class of identities associated with the time-reversal transformation in non-equilibrium field theories, in the spirit of Ward-Takahashi identities. We present a generalization of the fluctuatio …
09/2024 Bayesian inference of wall torques for active Brownian particles Sascha Lambert et al.
The motility of living things and synthetic self-propelled objects is often described using Active Brownian particles. To capture the interaction of these particles with their often complex environment, this model can be augmented with empirical forces or torques, for example, to describe their alignment with an obstacle or wall after a collision. Here, we assess the quality of these empirical mod …
09/2024 A minimal model of smoothly dividing disk-shaped cells Lukas Hupe et al.
Replication through cell division is one of the most fundamental processes of life and a major driver of dynamics in systems ranging from bacterial colonies to embryogenesis, tissues and tumors. While regulation often plays a role in shaping self-organization, mounting evidence suggests that many biologically relevant behaviors exploit principles based on a limited number of physical ingredients, …
08/2024 Universal mechanistic rules for de novo design of enzymes Michalis Chatzittofi et al.
Enzymes are nano-scale machines that have evolved to drive chemical reactions out of equilibrium in the right place at the right time. Thermodynamically favourable reactions such as ATP hydrolysis are used by the cell to convert chemical energy into useful structure, function, and mechanical work. This includes the `fuelled' catalysis of chemical reactions that would otherwise be thermodynami …
08/2024 Spectral properties, localization transition and multifractal eigenvectors of the Laplacian on heterogeneous networks Jeferson D. da Silva et al.
We study the spectral properties and eigenvector statistics of the Laplacian on highly-connected networks with random coupling strengths and a gamma distribution of rescaled degrees. The spectral density, the distribution of the local density of states, the singularity spectrum and the multifractal exponents of this model exhibit a rich behaviour as a function of the first two moments of the coupl …
08/2024 Thermodynamic inference of correlations in nonequilibrium collective dynamics Michalis Chatzittofi et al.
The theory of stochastic thermodynamics has revealed many useful fluctuation relations, with the thermodynamic uncertainty relation (TUR) being a theorem of major interest. When many nonequilibrium currents interact with each other, a naive application of the TUR to an individual current can result in an apparent violation of the TUR bound. Here, we explore how such an apparent violation can be us …
08/2024 Enhanced stability and chaotic condensates in multi-species non-reciprocal mixtures Laya Parkavousi et al.
Random non-reciprocal interactions between a large number of conserved densities are shown to enhance the stability of the system towards pattern formation. The enhanced stability is an exact result when the number of species approaches infinity and is confirmed numerically by simulations of the multi-species non-reciprocal Cahn-Hilliard model. Furthermore, the diversity in dynamical patterns incr …